Plan for Action

While major legislative and procedural enforcements are of utmost importance to the conservation of blue whales- there are a myriad of actions that an individual can take in order to support this species. In order to take action against anthropogenic change, one should further inform themselves of environmental issues and the current conservation statuts of the blue whales (see resources below).

Proactive and environmental decision making is imperative in one's plan for action. Here is a list of recommendations that one should keep in mind, in order to support the restoration of the blue whale species.

1. Involve yourself with environmental protection organizations like the World Wildlife Fund, to gain further knowledge about endangered species and take part in various environmental initiatives. (See list of organizations below)

2. Buy environmentally friendly products.

3. Reduce your carbon footprint by modifying habits that may not be healthy for the environment. You can do so by walking or taking transit, and avoiding forms of transport like buses. These vehicles emit harmful greenhouse gases which contribute to climate change.

4. Krill, the primary food source of blue whales, is significant to its survival. Help the preservation of Krill populations by avoiding the purchase of krill and farmed salmon (which is often fed with krill).

5. Participate in National Coastal Cleanup Day, to support clean aquatic environments.


National Geographic

IUCN Red List of Endangered Species

Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)

American Cetacean Society


The Ocean Alliance

World Wildlife Fund

International Whale Protection Organization



International Whaling Commission - Conservation

"We owe it to our children to be stewards of the environment. The alternative? A world without whales."

-Pierce Brosnan